Home Security

Do This, Not That

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According to the FBI:

•  13% of homes are burglarized a year.

•  A home is invaded every 12 seconds.

•  Most home burglaries occur between 9 a.m. and 5 p.m.

•  85% of all break-ins occur through the door.

•  67% of all burglaries involved forcible entry. Door frame failure is usually the cause.


Most home burglaries are the work of amateurs who are looking for a quick way in and out. Follow tips in this section to keep your home as secure as possible. Also, keep others from finding out when you will be on vacation. For example, do not post your whereabouts on social networks. It is best to not leave a spare key under the doormat, in a fake rock, or in a flower pot next to the door. Instead, give a spare key to a trusted neighbor or nearby friend.

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