Easy Ways to Childproof Your Home

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Is your home safe for curious children?


To see your home from a toddler’s point of view, get down on your hands and knees and crawl around. Look for conditions that can lead to burns, falls, electric shock, entrapment, or poisoning. Then take steps to prevent harm. Some suggestions:

•  Cover all toddler-height electrical outlets with plastic outlet covers.

•  Install childproof locks on cabinets where household cleaners, chemicals, and other items that could harm children are stored.

•  To prevent scalding burns, lower the thermostat on the water heater to 120ºF or lower.

•  Store medicines and alcohol in high, out-of-reach places. Never leave them on a countertop, a table, or other places children can get them.

•  Toddlers should eat and drink from plastic dishes and cups only.

•  Don’t place a child’s crib or bed next to a window. An active or curious toddler could accidentally fall out.

•  Keep all sharp objects like scissors, knives, or pins out of a toddler’s reach.

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