Health Screening Tests

*Note: These are general guidelines. If you are at an increased risk for an illness, tests may need to be done sooner or more often. Adults should also be screened for alcohol misuse, depression, obesity, and tobacco use. People ages 15-65 should be screened for HIV/AIDS. Baby Boomers should be screened for hepatitis C. Overweight or obese adults between ages 40 and 70 should be screened for adnormal sugar levels and type 2 diabetes. Follow you doctor’s advice for screening tests and exams. Check with your health plan to see if and when tests are covered.

1. Breast cancer screening guidelines vary with different health groups. For ages 40-49 and 74+, discuss your breast cancer risk and the pros and cons of these screening tests with your doctor or health care provider. Women at a high risk for breast cancer should seek expert medical advice about breast cancer screening and prevention.

2. Screening guidelines vary with different health groups. Ask your doctor at what age you should discuss prostate cancer screening. Ask about the benefits and risks of having prostate-specific antigen (PSA) blood tests.

3. Follow your doctor’s advice. Screening test options include stool blood tests, sigmoidoscopy, and colonoscopy. How often testing is needed depends on the test(s) given and on your personal risk factors.

This website is not meant to substitute for expert medical advice or treatment. Follow your doctor’s or health care provider’s advice if it differs from what is given in this guide.


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