Find unclaimed money

Uncle Sam may actually owe you money. How? If the government owes you money, and you do not collect it, it becomes unclaimed money. This can happen because of bank or credit union closures, investment funds, pensions, tax refunds, or savings bonds, among others.


But before you assume that there has to be unclaimed money out there for you, beware, says, a government information website.


There are people out there who will contact you, claim to be the government, saying they will send you unclaimed money for a fee. This is a scam. Legitimate government agencies will not contact you about unclaimed money or assets.


Right now, there is no single government site for finding unclaimed money by name, social security number, or state. You need to visit each site separately and perform a search.


After searching, if you are owed funds, there will be instructions and steps to follow to collect your money.


For more information on unclaimed money, or other government resources, visit

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