Just baby & you

Get outside and walk with your baby. But exercise caution and good judgment, advises the American Chiropractic Association.

•  A backpack-style or front-side carrier decreases a parent’s stability when walking or hiking. It is critical that a parent get into shape before attempting to use one of these products.

•  If using a backpack-style or front-side baby carrier, make sure to select one with wide straps for your shoulders and waist. This will help distribute the carrier’s weight evenly. The shoulder straps should fit comfortably over the center of your collarbone.

•  Don’t forget about your own health and comfort. Bring yourself as close to the baby as possible before lifting. You don’t want to lift with your arms outstretched. Bend from the knees and hips and keep your back straight. Use a two-stage lift that consists of pulling the child up to your chest and then lifting straight up with your leg muscles.

•  Once you place the child in the carrier, check to make sure there is no bunching of material against the child’s body, particularly on the back, buttocks, and spine. Isolated, uneven pressure like this can produce pain.


If you wish to use a baby sling, keep in mind that it is intended only for infants, and be sure to follow these tips:

•  A baby can become very hot inside the sling, so be mindful of the temperature around you. Also, make certain the baby’s breathing is clear and unobstructed by the sling’s material.

•  Switch sides when wearing the sling to balance the positional stress on you and your baby.

•  Never run or jog while carrying a baby in any backpack-style carrier, front-side carrier, or baby sling. A baby’s body is not adjusted to the cyclic pattern that is a part of running and jogging. This motion can do damage to the baby’s neck, spine, and brain. It is better to use a jogging stroller.

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