Keeping track of medicines

Did I take my medicine? If you find yourself asking that question often, try these tips to help you keep track.

•  Keep them in an accessible spot. As long as they’re out of reach of children or pets, the best place for your medicine is a place you’ll see it.

•  Write it down. Purchase a small notebook and write down each medicine as you take it. Be sure to record the date, time, and what you have taken.

•  Use technology. Today’s smartphones have alarms you can use to remember your medicines. Set separate alarms for each medicine and have them repeat daily. Don’t have a smartphone? Check out “talking” pill boxes. Take the medicine as soon as the alarm goes off. Don’t wait – or you may forget!

•  Know what to do if you miss a dose. Some medicines should be “made up” at the next dose, but others should not. It may be dangerous if you forget certain life-saving medicines.


Medicines we use the most

The most frequently prescribed medicines in the U.S. are:

•  Pain relievers

•  Lipid-lowering medicines (to lower cholesterol or triglycerides)

•  Antidepressant medicines

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