Know the facts about Alzheimer’s disease

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According to the Alzheimer’s Association, more than 5 million Americans are living with Alzheimer’s today. It is the 6th leading cause of death in the U.S. When someone has trouble thinking, memory loss or behavioral changes, it can be devastating to the person and their family.


Alzheimer’s starts with mild symptoms, but gets worse over time. A person may start to forget more and be less able to do things for themselves. In its later stages, a person often needs constant care and may be unable to do daily tasks, such as feeding themselves.


Treating Alzheimer’s today

Although there is no cure, there are treatments available that can improve the symptoms. Certain medicines can help someone with Alzheimer’s have more independence, dignity and comfort for a longer period of time. But, they don’t stop the disease.


Because each person’s health is different, only a doctor can help you decide which medicine may be right for you or your loved one. Medicines are often started at the lowest dose and increased, if needed.


Medical experts continue to research Alzheimer’s and hope to find a cure.


Can it be prevented?

Experts don’t know how to prevent Alzheimer’s, though they are trying to find out. Living a healthy lifestyle with exercise, a good diet, and not smoking definitely helps the body. They believe these things may help the brain stay healthy too. If you’re concerned about memory loss or signs of Alzheimer’s, talk to your doctor.

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