Staying active when school’s out

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When summer arrives, kids often want to spend time in front of the TV or on their computer and digital devices. But, exercise is important year-round. In fact, most kids need at least an hour of vigorous exercise each day. How can you get your kids to exercise during the summer?

•  Get them together with friends. Older kids may enjoy a bike ride or walking the dog if they have a buddy alongside them. When friends come over, make all screens off-limits.

•  Find summer camps. If your child likes a sport, many programs offer camps that give them social time as well as exercise. Also, there may be programs for dance, gymnastics, swimming and other activities.

•  Talk to your sitter about rules. If you have a babysitter during the summer, make your screen-time limits clear. Have the babysitter take them outside or to the local park, if possible. Choose a sitter who is willing to play with them outside and encourage them to be active.


Source: U.S. National Library of Medicine


Why kids need exercise

Kids of all sizes, shapes and ages need exercise every day. Exercise helps kids:

•  Learn and grow in school

•  Build healthy bones, muscles and joints

•  Get better sleep, which is important for their overall health and mental well-being

•  Develop a healthy habit that is important throughout life

•  Feel more confident and happier

•  Deal with stress


If your child isn’t active, it’s never too late to start. Find an activity they like and help them get moving.

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