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Use spirituality to boost wellness
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Good physical health involves eating right, exercise and getting enough sleep. But many medical experts believe good health goes beyond physical things. There is some evidence to suggest that healthy spirituality can be linked to overall well-being.
First, think about what spirituality is to you. It is something that connects your mind and spirit to something bigger than yourself. It can be your religion, morals, or something you’re passionate about, such as music, art or nature. Spirituality differs for everyone.
An important part of overall health
The American Academy of Family Physicians says a person’s spirituality can play a role in how they feel physically. Things like positive thinking, religious beliefs, prayer, meditation and other mindful activities can help you feel better and even help prevent some health problems.
Spirituality may also help you cope better with stressful events and illnesses. While spirituality alone cannot heal illnesses or injuries, it may help in supporting a person’s overall health.
How to improve spiritual health
Anyone can work to improve their spiritual health. Think about things in your life that help you feel peaceful, comforted, joyful or connected. Make time regularly to do the things that fulfill you spiritually:
• Go to a religious meeting or service
• Take a meditation or yoga class
• Play your favorite sport
• Read a book
• Take a walk in a peaceful place
• Listen to relaxing or inspiring music
Good spiritual health can help you live a healthier life. When you have a healthy spirit, you may be able to deal with challenges, such as a chronic illness or stressful events. Though it can’t solve all of life’s problems, spiritual practices can help you feel better and manage some of life's struggles.
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