Ways to improve heart health

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(With ingredients in the foods you already eat)


Poor diet increases the risk of high blood pressure, high cholesterol, and poor circulation—3 major factors that affect overall heart health. Know which nutrients and foods in your diet may decrease risk for heart disease—the number one cause of death in the U.S.


•  Phytosterols: Compounds similar to cholesterol that are found in all edible plants. They help reduce low density lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol, which is a main risk factor for heart disease.

•  Cocoa flavanols: Can help maintain the elasticity of blood vessels, which contributes to normal blood flow. Quite simply: dark chocolate.

•  Omega-3 fatty acids: Primarily found in fish. Have been shown to decrease triglyceride levels, potentially lowering blood pressure.

•  Hydroxytyrosol: An antioxidant found in olive oil, protects blood lipids (fats) from oxidative damage.

•  Blueberries: May reduce high blood pressure.

•  Oat beta-glucan: Daily consumption of at least 3 grams (your morning cereal) effectively lowers cholesterol.

•  Grape seed extract: Shown to support blood pressure within a normal range. This is ground up seeds from red wine grapes.

•  Vitamin K: Helps to keep excess calcium out of blood vessel walls and improve cardiovascular health. Found in green leafy vegetables.

•  Dairy: Daily consumption of low-fat milk products decreases the risk of high blood pressure.

•  Almonds: Improves serum fatty acid profiles and decreases the overall risk of heart disease (a handful a day).

•  Walnuts: Good source of omega-3 fatty acids and alpha linolenic acid (ALA) which help your heart by preventing dangerous heart rhythms that can lead to heart attacks.

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