Get up to date on vaccines

Vaccinations aren’t just for kids. Adults need them too.


How they work

Vaccines stimulate your immune system to create antibodies against common diseases. Antibodies are specialized proteins that recognize and neutralize viruses or bacteria. If you are exposed to the disease, your body will be ready to fight it.


Why they matter

Some people are more vulnerable to diseases such as COVID-19 or the flu, even if they are vaccinated. When you get vaccinated, you protect your loved ones and vulnerable people in your community.


Vaccines you need

Your doctor is the best resource for information on the vaccines you need. Here are a few your doctor may recommend:

•  Seasonal flu

•  Tdap or Td (Tetanus, diphtheria, and pertussis)

•  COVID-19

•  Shingles

•  HPV (Human papillomavirus)

This website is not meant to substitute for expert medical advice or treatment. Follow your doctor’s or health care provider’s advice if it differs from what is given in this guide.


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