Health screenings for men

Men can face health challenges at each stage of life. A yearly visit with a primary care doctor ensures access to the appropriate screenings. While some screenings are a standard part of routine medical care, a doctor may recommend additional screenings specific to a man’s health and family history.


Men aged 18 to 39

•  Blood pressure

•  Cholesterol and heart disease screening

•  Physical exam

•  Diabetes screening

•  Eye exam

•  Dental exam

•  Infectious disease screening, including STIs

•  Immunizations

•  Skin self-exam

•  Testicular exam


Men aged 40 to 64

•  Blood pressure

•  Cholesterol and heart disease screening

•  Physical exam

•  Diabetes screening

•  Eye exam

•  Dental exam

•  Infectious disease screening, including STIs

•  Immunizations

•  Skin self-exam

•  Testicular exam

•  Colon cancer screening

•  Lung cancer screening

•  Osteoporosis screening

•  Prostate cancer screening


Men aged 65 and over

•  Blood pressure

•  Cholesterol and heart disease screening

•  Physical exam

•  Diabetes screening

•  Eye exam & hearing test

•  Dental exam

•  Infectious disease screening, including STIs

•  Immunizations

•  Skin exam

•  Colon cancer screening

•  Lung cancer screening

•  Osteoporosis screening

•  Prostate cancer screening

•  Abdominal aortic aneurysm screening

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