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Kid-friendly, healthy snacks
Print on Demand
A simple way to encourage your kids to eat healthy is to have healthy foods on hand and easily available to them.
• Put fruits and vegetables within reach on the counter or in the refrigerator.
• Save cookies and sweets as occasional treats, not everyday snacks.
• Avoid buying chips, crackers and other high-calorie, high-sugar packed foods. Or buy less of them and keep them in a less convenient location. Out of sight, out of mind.
• Purchase easy but healthy “packaged” snacks like no sugar added fruit cups, raisin packs, cheese sticks, Greek yogurt and popcorn (choose “light” popcorn without too much added butter or salt).
Popcorn treats
2 tablespoons soft margarine or butter (melted)
5 cups popped popcorn
3/4 cup raisins
1 cup shredded wheat cereal (bite-size)
1 tablespoon sugar (brown or white)
1 1/4 teaspoons cinnamon
1. Pop popcorn. You can use microwave or stovetop, but choose one without added butter, sugar or salt.
2. Mix popped corn, raisins, and cereal in a large bowl.
3. Mix sugar and cinnamon in small dish.
4. Drizzle melted margarine or butter over mixture.
5. Add sugar and cinnamon mixture.
6. Shake or stir until all ingredients are evenly distributed.
Nutrition per serving: Servings 4. Calories 265; Total Fat 10 g; Saturated Fat 2 g; Sodium 118 mg; Total Carbohydrate 46 g; Dietary Fiber 5 g; Protein 4 g
Source: USDA ChooseMyPlate
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