Get involved with wellness

Staying motivated to make healthy choices can be challenging. That’s why connecting with others who share your goals can be so effective. Getting involved in a wellness program helps you stay on track and successfully make positive changes.


•  Take advantage of your workplace wellness activities and programs.

•  Take an exercise class at a local fitness center or park district.

•  Look for wellness offerings through local churches, libraries, and community centers.

•  Start your own group by gathering like-minded friends, family, and coworkers.

•  Remember, wellness isn’t just exercise! Look for programs on cooking, gardening, mindfulness, spirituality, emotional health, book clubs, and self-care, and more!

•  Ask your doctor to recommend wellness programs.

•  Set yourself up for success by choosing programs that fit comfortably into your schedule.

•  Connect with an online wellness community or program.

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