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Arm, Hand & Shoulder Concerns
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Arm, Hand & Shoulder Concerns
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Food Items to Focus On
Produce & Salad Bar
• All fresh fruits
• All fresh vegetables (go easy on avocados, they are high in fat)
• Nuts and seeds, such as sunflower and pumpkin
• All salad bar items that are fresh vegetables (lettuce, celery, carrots, green peppers, spinach, etc.).
• Tofu (soy bean curd). This may be in dairy or meat sections of the store.
Strictly limit: coconut, croutons, salads made with mayonnaise, regular salad dressing. Use small amounts of low-calorie salad dressings. (Better yet, use fat-free and reduced-fat salad dressings.)
Look for lean cuts of meat with fat trimmed, such as:
• Beef: round, sirloin, tenderloin, ground round, ground sirloin, or extra lean ground beef
• Pork: tenderloin, leg (fresh) shoulder (arm or picnic)
• Lamb: leg, arm, loin, rib
• Veal: all trimmed cuts, except commercially ground
• Poultry: chicken, turkey, cornish hens, etc.
• All fish, shellfish
Strictly limit: goose, domestic duck, salt pork, chitterlings
• Sliced lean meats, such as turkey, ham, chicken, lean beef
• Ready-to-eat broiled or rotisserie chicken and turkey breast
• Fresh fruit salads
Strictly limit: mayonnaise-dressed salads, sausage, frankfurters, high-fat luncheon meats, such as bologna, salami, and bacon
Freezer Section
• Frozen fruits and vegetables. Buy these frozen loosely in bags so it is easy to make 1 portion.
• Juice concentrates
• Frozen dinners-preferably ones with less than 300 calories and 1000 mg. of sodium or less/serving
• Frozen fish fillets – look for fresh-frozen ones that can be reapportioned when you take them home instead of solid packed ones that you would have to thaw out.
• Sugar-free or low calorie frozen treats, such as sugar-free and regular popsicles and fudgesicles, frozen yogurt, lite tofutti, fruit ices, etc.
Dairy Section
• Skim milk, 1/2% low fat milk, buttermilk
• Soy milk (with added calcium)
• Plain, nonfat yogurt
• Low-fat, soft cheeses, like cottage and farmers
• Reduced fat and other cheeses labeled no more than 2 to 6 grams fat per ounce
• Margarine: soft tub (regular and diet), Benecol® and Take Control® margarines
• Orange and other fresh juices (not fruit drinks)
• English muffins
• Whole wheat, corn, and flour tortillas
• Eggs, egg substitute
Strictly limit: Biscuits, croissants, cream, sour cream, half and half, cheeses other than above, whole milk, 2% low-fat milk, butter
Breads, Cereals
• Whole wheat bread, regular or lite (40 calories/slice)
• Whole wheat and plain dinner rolls
• Whole wheat and regular pita breads
• English muffins
• Bagels (also stocked in freezer section)
• Breadsticks
• Sandwich buns (“lite” are also available)
• Rice cakes
• Cereal mixes for cooked cereals: oatmeal, Cream of Wheat, etc.
• Ready-to-eat cereals. Look for ones with at least 2 grams of fiber and less than 2 grams of fat per one ounce serving. Limit sugar-sweetened ones.
• Canned entrees/main dishes (8 grams of fat or less, per 1 cup serving)
• Canned fish, such as tuna in water, salmon
• Rice, brown or white, barley, bulgar
• Pastas, like plain noodles, macaroni, spaghetti
• Dried or canned beans and peas like split peas, black-eyed peas, chick peas, kidney beans, lentils, soybeans
• Canned fruits packed in water or their own juices
• “Old-fashioned” style peanut butter (oil can be seen at the top of the jar)
• Low-fat crackers, such as matzos, bread sticks, rye krisp, saltines (with unsalted tops), graham crackers, zwieback
• Popcorn (regular or microwave-packaged, if less than 2 grams of fat per serving)
• Spices, seasonings, herbs, butter flavor sprinkles, vanilla, other flavor extracts
• Salad dressings – “Lite,” “reduced-calorie,” “no oil” or “fat free” varieties
• Vinegar
• Condiments, such as ketchup, mustard, worcestershire sauce, horseradish, etc. Use small amounts. These are high in sodium.
• Reduced-sodium bouillon, unsweetened pickles, canned soups
• Flour; whole wheat, all purpose, whole wheat and all purpose combination
• Cornstarch
• Vegetable cooking sprays
• Liquid vegetable oils, such as olive and canola
• Coffee, tea, cocoa mixes with nonfat dry milk
• Sugar-free gelatin and drink mixes
• Wine, dry for cooking
• Nonfat dried milk
• Canned evaporated skim milk
• Bottled water
Strictly limit: Potato chips and other high fat, high salt snacks, regular canned vegetables (because they are high in salt), and seasonings and foods with monosodium glutamate (MSG).
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