Only You Can Prevent Christmas Tree Fires

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Every Christmas season, many families tragically lose their homes because of Christmas tree fires. Here’s how to prevent them.


•  Pick the freshest tree you can find. Hold the tree by the trunk and tap it against the ground. If needles drop profusely, look for another tree.

•  Keep the tree outdoors with the trunk in water as long as possible. Once you bring the tree into a heated building, it will dry out more quickly.

•  Indoors, keep the trunk in water. Check the water level daily, and refill when needed.

•  Don’t stand the tree near a fireplace, wood stove, heat register, or electrical wires.

To decorate the tree:

•  Purchase only tree lights bearing a UL label from Underwriters Laboratory, which shows they meet safety standards.

•  Check for broken bulbs, worn-out insulation, and damaged sockets. Replace or repair as necessary.

•  Never attach electrical lights to an artificial, metal tree. Don’t overload extension cords.

•  Discourage children from touching a decorated tree–it may tip over.

•  To discourage pets from attacking the tree, avoid shiny decorations, and don’t place tinsel or ornaments on the lower branches.

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