Pedaling Safely with Your Toddler

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It’s easy to equip a bicycle with a child safety seat so your toddler can ride with you. To ensure the safety of your child:


•  Be sure the seat is properly installed. If you aren’t sure how to install it correctly, consider having someone at a bicycle repair shop do it.

•  A plastic cover should shield the back wheel, so the child’s clothing doesn’t get caught in the spokes.

•  The back of the seat should be high enough to support and protect the child’s back and neck, and it should be marked with reflective tape if you ride after dark.

•  A passenger restraint (safety belt) should fasten over the child’s shoulder.

•  The seat should have a footrest, and the child’s legs should not hang free.

Test the bicycle seat by riding without the youngster to be sure it’s securely fastened. When you take your child riding, be sure he or she is wearing a helmet.

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