Cold Sores

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Cold sores appear on or near the lips. They are painful and unpleasant. Nearly 1 in 3 people will have them. Cold sores are also called fever blisters.

Signs & Symptoms

•  Tingling feeling on or near the lips for 36 to 48 hours before the sore appears

•  Itching at the site (early sign)

•  Small, red blisters with pus-filled centers

•  Blisters form a yellow crust that lasts about 10 days

•  One sore or a cluster of sores

Causes, Risk Factors & Care

Cold sores are caused by the herpes sim- plex virus (HSV), either HSV-1 (this is most often the cause) or HSV-2 (the usual cause of genital herpes). The virus lies dormant in the body and can return. A fever, cold, stress, cold or windy weather, and strong sun exposure are triggers for outbreaks.


Cold sores are very contagious, especially when the blisters rupture and weep.


Cold sores are treated with self-care and antiviral medications, such as acyclovir and penciclovir. Prompt treatment may reduce the discomfort.

Self-Care / Prevention

•  Keep the sore clean and dry.

•  Apply antiviral medication, if prescribed, to the affected area at the first sign of a cold sore.

•  Try an over-the-counter treatment, such as Abreva antiviral cream, Campho-Phenique, Blistex, or make a paste with cornstarch and water. Dab some on the sore with a cotton swab.

•  Dab aloe vera or petroleum jelly on the sore. Use a cotton swab.

•  Apply ice to the sore or suck on a frozen popsicle.

•  Take an over-the-counter medicine for pain.

•  Learn to relax. Meditate, practice yoga, etc. Learn to deal with stress, too.

•  Avoid foods that are sour, spicy, or acidic. These may irritate the sores.

•  Take vitamin C and/or zinc supplements, as directed by your doctor.

•  Apply cool compresses when the sores have crusted over.

•  Try not to worry or be too self-conscious. This only makes the situation worse.


To avoid getting or spreading cold sores:

•  Don’t share drinking glasses, towels, or cooking utensils.

•  Don’t touch cold sores with your fingers. If you do touch the cold sores, do not touch your eyes. This could cause a serious eye infection.

•  Wash your hands often.

•  Avoid kissing or direct skin contact with the sores. This includes oral sex. The virus that causes cold sores can cause genital herpes, too.

•  When in the sun, wear a hat and use a sunblock with a sun-protective factor (SPF) of 15 or more on the lips.

•  Use a lip balm on cold or windy days.

•  Ask your doctor about a prescribed antiviral medicine to take or apply when you feel a cold sore coming on.

•  Try to figure out what triggers the sores. Once you identify a trigger, do what you can to avoid it.

•  Get regular exercise.

Medical Care

Contact Doctor When:

•  You have eye pain with the cold sore. Pain from the sore limits normal activity.

•  The cold sore has lasted longer than 2 weeks.

•  Cold sores appear 4 or more times a year.

•  Cold sores appeared after you started a new medicine or are present while taking steroid medicines.

•  Eczema

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