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Colon & Rectal Cancers
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The colon and rectum form the large bowel. The colon is the upper 5 to 6 feet. The rectum is the last 6 to 8 inches. When abnormal cells grow in the colon, a cancerous tumor may form. Colon tumors grow slowly. They may get big and block the bowel.
Signs & Symptoms
Colon and rectal cancers can occur without clear symptoms. For this reason, screening is important. When symptoms occur, they include:
• A change in bowel habits for 2 or more weeks or constipation or diarrhea for 1 or more weeks.
• Frequent gas pains, cramps, bloating, or feelings of fullness in the abdomen
• Red or dark blood in or on the stool or rectal bleeding. Pencil thin stools.
• Fatigue and/or iron deficiency anemia in men and older women
• A feeling that the bowel does not empty completely
• Weight loss for no known reason
Causes, Risk Factors & Care
Risk factors for colon and rectal cancers:
• Polyps (benign growths that can become cancerous over time). Most colon and rectal cancers develop from polyps.
• Family history of colon or rectal cancer. Unless it is treated, an inherited condition called Familial Polyposis puts a person at a very high risk.
• Having ulcerative colitis or Crohn’s disease.
• Aging. Colon and rectal cancers occur most often in people over age 50.
• Smoking. Heavy alcohol use.
• Eating a diet high in animal fat and low in fiber
• Lack of exercise and/or being very overweight
The National Cancer Institute
800.4.CANCER (422-6237)
The American Cancer Society
Finding and treating the cancer early is vital. Treatment includes surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy.
Self-Care / Prevention
• Schedule and go to follow-up exams.
• Join a cancer support group.
• Follow a high fiber, low-fat diet. Eat whole-grain breads and cereals. Have at least 5 servings of vegetables and fruits a day.
Colon and rectal cancers are completely curable if found early. Have screening tests as advised by your doctor.
• High-sensitivity fecal occult blood test
• Flexible sigmoidoscopy
• Colonoscopy
How often testing needs to be done depends on the test(s) given. {Note: If you have a family history of colon polyps or colon or rectal cancers, screening tests may need to be started sooner than age 50.}
When to Seek Medical Care
Contact Doctor When:
• You have any symptoms of colon and rectal cancer listed on this page.
• You need to schedule screening tests for colon and rectal cancer. Follow the schedule your doctor advises.
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