Don’t Be Too Macho for Your Own Good

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Men typically suffer more serious illnesses and die at a younger age than women. You wouldn’t know it by looking at the average doctor’s waiting room, though. Men don’t report as many symptoms as women do, and they let a problem go further before they seek medical help.


If you have a tendency to ignore or downplay physical or emotional problems, or exhibit other kinds of self-destructive, “macho” behavior, make a conscious effort to change. Here’s how:

•  Pay attention to pain and discomfort. If you’re sick or injured, see a doctor.

•  Take safety precautions at work, home, or when you drive.

•  Balance work and play.

•  Don’t stifle feelings of compassion and sensitivity.

•  Learn to express your feelings without losing your temper. Don’t feel compelled to compete all the time.

•  If you experience emotional problems, consult a professional counselor.

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