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Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
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Irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) is a problem that mostly affects the bowel (the large intestine) and is not caused by any other bowel disease. It can be painful, does not damage the colon or lead to other health problems.
Signs & Symptoms
Questions to Ask
Question 1
Do you have very severe abdominal pain or tarlike, maroon, or bloody-colored stools?
Get medical care without delay. If symptoms are life threatening go to the ER or call 9-1-1. Don’t call 9-1-1 or use the ER if symptoms do not threaten life. Ask your doctor ahead of time where you should go for a problem that needs prompt care, but not emergency care.
Question 2
Do you have any of these problems?
• A lot of mucus in your stools.
• A fever with cramps, pain in the abdomen, or diarrhea.
• Unwanted weight loss.
• IBS symptoms change a lot or get worse.
You should be seen by your doctor for medical advice. Contact your doctor or health care provider to find out how soon you should be seen.
Use Self-Care / Prevention:
You can probably take care of the problem yourself if you answered NO to all the questions. Use the “Self-Care” measures that are listed. Call your doctor if you don’t feel better soon, though. You may have some other problem.
National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases (NIDDK)
Self-Care / Prevention
• Don’t smoke. If you smoke, quit. Avoid secondhand smoke.
• Keep a log of when symptoms occur. Avoid things that trigger symptoms. Common ones are having: Large meals; fried foods; kidney and other beans; cabbage; broccoli; dairy products with milk sugar (lactose); chocolate; spicy foods; and the artificial sweetener sorbitol.
• Manage stress.
• Eat foods with dietary fiber (whole-grain breads and cereals and fruits and vegetables). Kidney beans and other beans are a good source if they do not cause IBS symptoms for you. Talk to your doctor about over-the-counter fiber pills or powders that you mix with water. {Note: Add all types of fiber slowly. Too much, too soon, can worsen symptoms.}
• Drink lots of water. Don’t have alcohol and caffeine.
• Get enough rest. Get regular exercise.
• Take an over-the-counter pain reliever as directed. Put a hot water bottle or heating pad (set on low) on your abdomen. Try to relax.
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