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Wheezing means you are having a problem with breathing. Air is flowing through swollen or tight breathing tubes.

Signs & Symptoms

Asthma Basics

•  A high-pitched squeaky or whistling sound. This is heard more on breathing out than in.

•  Chest tightness.



•  Asthma (the main cause).

•  Allergic reactions.

•  Congestive heart failure.

•  Respiratory infections.

•  Something caught in the windpipe.

•  Smoking, air pollution, etc.


Treatment depends on the cause. Medication to relieve narrowing of the airways is usually given for acute attacks of wheezing.

Questions to Ask

Self-Care / Prevention

•  Take prescribed medicines as directed.

•  Drink plenty of fluids.

•  Use a cool-mist vaporizer.

•  Don’t smoke. Avoid secondhand smoke.

•  Chew foods well before swallowing. When you eat, try not to laugh and swallow at the same time.

•  Keep small objects that can easily be inhaled away from children under age 5.

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