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Tips for filing taxes
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April 15 is Tax Day. Everyone must file their taxes by this day or file for an extension. Don’t get overwhelmed. These tips can help you get started.
Get all your papers together
You’ll need all your income records. This may include a W-2 from each employer, a 1099 for other income you made, and records of any other revenue even if you don’t have a form. You’ll also need all the paperwork that supports your tax deductions. Try to gather all these papers early so you have more time to get them in order before you file your taxes.
The IRS website has help for people filing their taxes. There are FAQ’s, forms you may need, and helpful interactive tools.
Double check
If there’s a mistake on your taxes, your refund may be delayed. Double check social security numbers. The IRS says this is one of the most common mistakes.
If you owe taxes, but can’t pay it all right now, don’t panic. Go to You may be able to set up a payment plan or ask the IRS to delay tax collection.
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