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What is CBD?
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CBD (or cannabidiol) oil may be purchased in many pharmacies and other stores. It is claimed to treat more than 50 health conditions like sleep problems, anxiety and pain. But, experts say there’s little evidence that it works for most of them.
What is CBD?
CBD oil comes from the cannabis plant. Cannabis plants can be marijuana or hemp.
A chemical called tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) causes the mental changes that make a person “high” when they use marijuana. CBD oil should contain little to no THC so it can’t make a person high. However, there is no way to know for sure that the CBD product is THC-free.
The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) tested CBD products. Some products were found to contain THC, even though CBD should not contain it. Other products had a different amount of CBD than what the label stated.
What does CBD do?
Experts don’t know exactly how CBD works in the body. There is solid evidence that it can help control seizure disorders in children. But, evidence that it helps treat other conditions is lacking. In fact, the FDA has warned several companies about selling CBD with untested health claims.
Does CBD have side effects?
In studies, people didn’t report serious side effects when taking CBD. There were some reports of diarrhea. Also, CBD may interact with a person’s other medications. People who take other medicines or have health conditions should ask a doctor before using CBD.
Should I use CBD?
There isn’t enough evidence to recommend CBD for health problems other than seizures. Experts say you should stick with proven treatments for health problems. Always talk with a doctor before using any natural treatment, including CBD.
Source: National Institutes of Health
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