Ride your bike to work

Think of the money you’ll save on gas, train fare, and parking. If you live within 10 miles of your work, find solutions to overcome these popular excuses:

•  Not safe: Use less congested roads if rush-hour traffic clogs the main streets.

•  Have to dress nicely at work: Drive to work one day each week and leave a week’s worth of clean clothes.

•  No place to shower: To clean up, use a deodorant soap and washcloth in the restroom.

•  No secure place to park my bike: Check for a storage closet or furnace room, or stash your bike with a friend who lives nearby or at a bike shop.

•  I’d have to ride in the dark: Wear light-colored, reflective clothing, attach lights and reflectors and use a route that’s lit by streetlights.

•  Hate riding in cold and rainy weather: If it’s pouring or sleeting, leave the bike at home.

•  Too far: Drive part way and cycle the rest. Look for a park-and-ride commuter lot.


Source: Bicycling magazine’s 1,000 All-Time Best Tips

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